JMS supplied Mega-FLOC (Horizontal Paddle Wheel Flocculator) in 2014 in the Sobrante and Upper San Leandro Water Plants in Oakland, CA. Since installation performance has been great, however bearing liner life has been limited. JMS has replaced the original Aluminum-Bronze liners with our new Poly-Texx HPVT (High Pressure Velocity Teflon) composite bearing liners.
JMS Highlights:
- Excellent opportunity to compare the life cycle of traditional Alumnum-Bronze liners with the new JMS Poly-Texx liners
- Bearing liners experienced significant wear due to the large difference in hardness between the bearing liners and the 17-4PH shafts. Process water contained heavy sand and grit and did not provide adequate lubrication
- Initial results are excellent as predicted by Bearing Wear Measurements:
- Aluminum-Bronze wear at .020” per month
- Poly-Texx HPVT Liners wear rate at .0013” per month
- Data indicates a bearing life improvement of 15X

Plant Information:
- Incoming Turbidity – < 5 NTU
- Source -Mokelumme River
- Plant Capacity – 45 and 55 mgd at two plants
- Flocculant – Alum
- Downstream Treatment – Filters