At JMS we always enjoy visitors from the JMS Rep Force. We have been fortunate to have visitors from all over the county coming to meet with the JMS team regarding specific projects and attend formal training sessions on JMS products and capabilities. At the start of 2016 JMS made the commitment to conduct Rep training sessions at our Charlotte Headquarters. We have already hosted two training sessions with our local Rep companies Heyward Virginia and Heyward Incorporated Charlotte. Other sessions will follow in 2017.
In late July Heyward Virginia Representatives visited JMS for our first training session. It was two days filled with learning, conversations, and a little fun with a competitive bowling outing. The winning team, Kerry Dissinger (JMS) and Ed Presnell (Heyward Virginia) took home the trophy for the highest score.
Heyward Incorporated – Charlotte also joined the rep training program in October. This was another successful session that was filled with a lot of discussion about JMS products and growth for both parties.