From its inaugural year in 1990, the South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC) has been growing and building upon success for the last 28 years. This popular annual event provides environmental and water professionals from across the southeast an opportunity to receive up to 12 hours of professional training, meet with equipment manufacturers, tour local plants, and network with other professionals in a fun and educational atmosphere.
JMS Mega-SETTLERs were selected at the Myrtle Beach, SC “GSWSA” Water Treatment Plant to increase plant capacity by 33% (45-MGD to 60-MGD) while improving effluent water quality and to reduce overall maintenance time and cost. Jim Myers & Sons, Inc. (JMS) and local representative, Heyward, Incorporated, hosted plant tours to the Myrtle Beach, SC WTP “GSWSA” on Sunday, March 10th in conjunction with the recent South Carolina Environmental Conference (SCEC). Several local engineering firms and water authorities toured the plant and were able to see JMS Mega-SETTLER (Plate Settler Systems) installed and being installed along with all aspects of the plant including the Ozone Generation Room.
Kerry Dissinger has been employed by JMS for the last 10 years, and currently holds the position of Vice President. Prior to receiving a BS degree in Electro Mechanical Engineering, Kerry served for 3 years as a US Army Paratrooper stationed at Fort Bragg, NC. He also served 6 years in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. Kerry’s nearly 20 years of experience in the water and wastewater industry includes 10 years at Brentwood Industries where he was mentored by the esteemed Dr. McDowell. With his strong background in the water and wastewater process, particularly sedimentation, he is focused on continued growth and innovation, holding several active patents for JMS products. One of Kerry’s favorite sayings is: It’s not about ideas; it’s about making ideas happen.