Recently we were presented with a great opportunity to make a proposal for a new $100 million dollar Design-Build water treatment plant. This plant consisted of a Preliminary Treatment System, Flocculation System, and Residuals Treatment Systems all of which can be...
Water Treatment Systems
Coagulant and Flocculant Make-down Rules of Thumb
Use of coagulants and flocculants in the water and wastewater treatment process is one of the keys to a successful outcome. Choice of the correct polymers for the process and the appropriate dosage rates is important. Also, of major importance is the make-down or...
Typical Cost of a Lamella Plate Settler
Lamella Plate Settlers are one of the most important pieces to any water treatment system. Sedimentation is a key process to any water treatment plant. Depending on the process, plant age, and plant size, increasing plant capacity can become costly when upgrading a...
Typical Cost of a Vertical Paddle Wheel Flocculator
Vertical Paddle Wheel Flocculators (VPWF) are the most popular and economical flocculator used in water treatment plants. These flocculators are designed with 10 State Standards in mind. Plants are concerned, not only about the cost of the equipment, but also the...
Wastewater Plate Settlers Case History
Both water and wastewater projects are often challenged to make the most of their process (optimize solids removal) using existing infrastructure. The more population, the greater the need is for liquid solids separation. But, greater population can also mean less...
Typical Wear Parts for a Horizontal Paddle Wheel Flocculator
A couple of months ago, we put together an article on Flocculator Maintenance, outlining the importance of routine flocculator maintenance. The correct maintenance on your flocculator can result in decades of useful life. To add to those comments, we would now...
Pilot Testing for Water Treatment Plants Presentation
A pilot unit is designed to replicate an entire flocculation and sedimentation basin. This unit is a portable complete system that can be delivered to a plant site. A pilot unit is used for multiple applications in testing such as...
Stainless Steel vs Fiberglass Troughs
Troughs are a key component in water management for water and wastewater operations. They can be supplied in straight or circular configuration for use as effluent troughs, filter troughs, clarifier troughs, and sluice troughs. Careful design to meet the needs of the...
Inclined Plate Settler Rules of Thumb
Inclined Plate Settlers are used in the sedimentation process of both water treatment and wastewater treatment plants. In this process there are two popular styles used, tube settlers and inclined plate settlers. Both of these styles use the same theory to accomplish...
Typical Cost of a Horizontal Paddle Wheel Flocculator
Horizontal Paddle Wheel Flocculators (HPWF) are the most popular and most economical flocculator used in water treatment plants. These flocculators are designed with 10 State Standards in mind. Plants are concerned, not only about the cost of the equipment, but also...