At wastewater treatment plants the need for the reduction of both the volume and weight of headworks screenings is a key design element, and a significant factor in plant operational costs. Screenings washer compactors are designed to meet this need under challenging conditions. The material characteristics of screenings from coarse or fine mechanical screens can vary significantly. The loose material contains various solids, organics and substantial amounts of water. Screenings washer compactors are designed to receive screenings from primary screening equipment, a conveyor, or sluice trough. Varying in design, they all use a compacting screw mechanism to wash and dewater screenings. This results in reduced organics content, volume, and weight resulting in a substantial reduction in hauling and landfill costs. Today there are several equipment manufacturers that offer Screening Compactors and a handful that stand out from the crowd as the top Screening Compactor manufacturers.
Top Screening Compactor Manufacturers: Jim Myers & Sons, Inc. (JMS)
Jim Myers & Sons, Inc. (JMS) has become one of the top suppliers for screening compactors with their Delta-COMPACTOR products. JMS has been designing and manufacturing the Delta-COMPACTOR (Screening Compactor) for decades and has installations nationwide for both coarse and fine screenings applications. Over the years, the JMS design has evolved into a robust and functional system utilizing key design components that are proven to lower both initial capital and long-term operational costs.
Learn more about the JMS Delta-COMPACTOR (Screening Compactor)
Top Screening Compactor Manufacturers: Vulcan Industries
Vulcan Industries sells their ESP Screw Press. The Model ESP Screw Press consists of an axial thrust bearing with a stainless steel body; inlet hopper; wedge-wire drain; substantial, precision machined shafted spiral; press housing with compression zone; flushing nozzle; press water drain pan and drive assembly.
Learn more about the Vulcan Industries Model ESP Screw Press
Top Screening Compactor Manufacturers: JWC Environmental
JWC Environmental sells their Screenings Washer Monster®. The Screenings Washer Monster® (SWM) produces ultra-clean discharge using a patented system to grind, wash, compact and dewater debris captured by a screen. This screenings washer compactor is a self-contained system that produces a clean and compact end product.
Learn more about the JWC Environmental Screenings Washer Monster®
Top Screening Compactor Manufacturers: Lakeside Equipment Corporation
Lakeside Equipment Corporation sells their Raptor® Wash Press. Suitable for receiving the discharge from conventional coarse or fine screens, the Raptor® Wash Press is a single-screw type, screenings, washing and dewatering press. It is specifically designed to wash and remove fecal material from screenings, so as to provide cleaned and pressed material that is readily land-fillable. By washing and compacting the screenings, the Wash Press consistently reduces the screenings volume up to 50 percent and the screenings weight up to 67 percent, which ultimately saves on disposal cost.
Learn more about the Lakeside Equipment Corporation Raptor® Wash Press
Jim Brettman has been with JMS for 9 years and serves on the sales side of the business as a Sr. Application Engineer focusing on the JMS Delta-SEPARATION. He has a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Tennessee and worked in various positions with Exxon Co. for 12 years. After locating to Charlotte, Jim ran his own business for seven years as a rep for industrial wastewater treatment equipment and systems. Jim is proud to have worked closely with Dave Myers in closing the largest single sale by JMS to date, the Boston Deer Island Delta-SKIMMER (scum pipe) project. Jim says, “I thoroughly enjoy working with a Company that embodies integrity, quality, and service as its mantra, and working with our Reps to increase the sales of JMS products.”