By Anthony Sherrill (JMS) & Andrew Dugan (WaterWrites) A lot of groundwork is laid before the bid day arrives. After months of careful design consideration and evaluating proposals from solution providers, the utility managers and consulting engineers are tasked...
Material Handling Systems
Biosolids Truck Receival Bins Product Basics
Below is a recent presentation put together by Greg Hyde to use to present to customers about Biosolids Truck Receival Bins. Receival Bins Utilized to accept foreign dewatered sludge from trucks for downstream processing. They are key equipment for quick Capex ROI for...
Shafted vs. Shaftless Live Bottom Screws
Question: Which is the best type of screw spiral to use in your live bottom bin? Answer: The answer to this question depends on the application and your specific situation, but here are some points to help illuminate some of the benefits for both types of...
Screw Conveyors for Raw Screenings – Q & A
As a Product Manager at JMS, one of my jobs is to work with Owners and Engineers on a day to day basis answering their questions. I recently had a conversation with an Engineer regarding recommendations for conveyance of compacted screenings from one unit to two...
Screw Conveyor Horsepower
Once it has been determined that a Screw Conveyor will best fit your application, and the type of screw conveyor you will use (shafted or shaftless), a calculation will be completed to specify the horsepower that will be needed to meet the needs of the...
Biosolids Storage Selections: Hoppers, Silos, Bins
Biosolids require storage for all types of materials from dried biosolid to dewatered sludge. When deciding on a biosolids storage solution there are 3 main options; hoppers, silos, and bins. Selecting the right storage solution can help keep a project in budget as...
When to use a Vertical Screw Conveyor
Screw conveyors are compact in design and easily adapt to congested locations for conveyance of materials in a horizontal, inclined, or vertical screw conveyor. Inclined screw conveyors are widely used, however they are not recommended for inclines over 25 degrees....
Slide Gate Actuator for Biosolids Sludge Storage
Some storage vessels are meter discharged to downstream conveyors or pumps; however, a large percentage of hoppers are discharged to truck beds. They are called “Truck Outloading Hoppers", or Systems. Live bottom screws and slide gates facilitate outloading. The...
Typical Shafted Screw Conveyor Wear Parts
Screw conveyors are available in both shafted and shaftless configurations. The type of conveyor that is best for your application is determined upon the needs of your individual process. For this discussion, we will concentrate on the Shafted Screw...
Top Belt Conveyor Manufacturers
Since the nineteenth-century belt conveyors have been used as an effective method for transporting bulk materials, and are now one of the most widely used and efficient means of transporting compactable and granular solids. Water and wastewater treatment facilities...